pondelok 12. októbra 2009

Bluetooth dial-up connection via Nokia 6120 classic & T-Mobile

Very useful article in Slovak: http://stargate.cnl.tuke.sk/~mirek/homepage/pripojte-sa-do-internetu-z-mobilnej-siete-o2-cez-linux.

I am using T-Mobile, so there is one change needed - APN is "internet" instead of "o2internet". Be also careful about pasting special double-quotes (upper and lower) - it won't work, e. g. when pasting to vim. Use only regular UPPER double quotes!

Whole, but simplified, process, is:

  1. Get Bluetooth MAC adress of the phone. 00:1D:6E:67:44:F2 in my case:
    hcitool scan

  2. Get channel number. 4 in my case (replace my MAC address 00:1D:6E:67:44:F2 with yours, as you've got in step one):
    sdptool browse 00:1D:6E:67:44:F2

  3. Write MAC address and channel number into /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf:
    rfcomm0 {
    # Automatically bind the device at startup
    bind yes;
    # Bluetooth address of the device
    device 00:1D:6E:67:44:F2;
    # RFCOMM channel for the connection
    channel 4;
    # Description of the connection
    comment "Ostry's Nokia 6120 classic";

    Again, replace my MAC address (00:1D:6E:67:44:F2) and my channel number (4) with yours.

  4. Restart bluetooth:
    sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

  5. Make sure, that /etc/wvdial.conf contains following lines:
    [Dialer Defaults]
    Phone = *99#
    Username = ''
    Password = ''
    New PPPD = yes
    Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"
    Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
    Modem Type = Modem
    ISDN = 0
    Init1 = ATZ
    Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
    Baud = 115200

  6. Connect to the service:
    sudo wvdial
I tested it successfully using bluetooth module integrated in my HP EliteBook 8530p.

Open question: is it possible to increase baud rate in this type of connection?

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